Saturday 8 December 2012

Man Flu and Exposure Compensation

Been ill most of the week with a particularly virulent strain of Man Flu. Felt pretty crap, so after work each day I have just curled up on the settee and done a bit of reading. I have noticed that some of the best photographs I have seen published on the Internet, taken with the same camera I have (Canon SX40), all have one thing in common! The people using them are experienced photographers and all when questioned on the quality of their pictures state the importance of exposure compensation. So, this week while fighting the good fight against whatever bloody pathogen is reeking havoc with my body, and seemingly losing for a while, I swatted up on exposure compensation for novices.

So, the arrival of Saturday morning, and even with a pounding headache I still wanted to put into practice what I had been reading about. I still have a lot to learn about when and how much exposure compensation to dial into each individual situation, but here are a couple of results from today I am quite pleased with.



These I feel are much more representative of what my eye could see.

I will definitely be persevering with the nuances of exposure compensation.


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